If that doesn't work and you need to install a new version of the free Acrobat Reader, you’ll need to uninstall any older version(s) before installing the new version of Acrobat Reader. You may be able to open a downloaded PDF document in Acrobat by just double-clicking it after you download it to your desktop.

$DownloadURL = "$FTPFolderUrl$LatestUpdate/$LatestFile" $LatestFile = "AcroRdrDCUpd" + $LatestUpdate + "_MUI.msp" If(!(Test-Path ($download_folder + $download_url.Split('/')))) | Select -Last 1 -Skip 1

$download_url = ((Invoke-WebRequest $download_url).Links | where outertext -like '*download now*' | select outertext, href).href $download_url = $url + ((Invoke-WebRequest $download_url).Links | where outertext -like '*proceed to download*' | select outertext, href).href.replace("amp ","") $download_url = $url + ((Invoke-WebRequest $url'new.jsp').Links | where outertext -like '*MUI*Continuous*' | select href).href New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$download_folder" I am not really sure if this is the best way of doing it? $webclient = New-Object

The script starts at, followed by some parsing, getting a link to a new site, parsing and finally getting the final download link. View PDFs: Open and interact with all types of PDF content including forms and multimedia. I wrote a script download the latest version of Adobe MUI DC but I am not really happy with the parsing. Adobe Acrobat Reader is the free, trusted global standard for viewing, printing, e-signing, sharing, and annotating PDFs.