The transliteration rules used in the keyboards are based on ISO 15919. The phonetic keyboards are available starting from Windows Update, and Indian language users won’t need to download and install any external Input Method Editors (IMEs) to input Indic text in a phonetic style. The Indic Phonetic keyboards are in addition to the Indic Traditional INSCRIPT keyboards already available with Windows. Work on the move with a cloud-hosted virtual desktop from . Make your virtual machine more resilient with the latest Hyper–V virtual dedicated servers from Apps4Rent.Phonetic keyboards in Indian languages are available in 10 Indian languages including Hindi, Bangla, Tamil, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Odia, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. Want to stay updated on latest mobile phones? Please follow tecinfoBiT on facebook, twitter, Google Plus, Instagram If you liked the post, then please share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Related Article: Download Offline Google IME Installer For Windows This tool works everywhere just enable Hindi and type in Hindi everywhere like on facebook, any chat, any banking profile, even in program search tab of windows operating system. Choose हिं from the taskbar and open MS Word 2007 and start typing.

Google Transliteration IME is currently available for 22 different languages – Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Farsi (Persian), Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya, and Urdu. This is like the same as the translation but here it won’t translate the meaning of the worlds only sound of the words will be converted from one script to the other for example, typing “hamesha” transliterates into Hindi as हमेशा Google Transliteration offers an option to convert Roman (English) characters to their phonetic equivalent in your language.